We are still here for you.
Our office is open from 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday, with COVID19 safety protocols in place for staff and visitors.
Please don’t hesitate to call or email, we’d love to hear from you.
Phone: 760-873-6601
Approximately 30-50 youth are placed in the foster care system in Inyo and Mono counties each year. This number is expected to rise due to the unprecedented economic downturn resulting from COVID-19. During the last economic crisis, an additional 2,761 children (2011 vs. 2013) entered the California foster care system.
In California, 40% of foster caregivers are relatives. Many live in impoverished conditions, have lost jobs, and struggle to care for high-needs children with no respite or child-care. With children now spending 24/7 at home, caregivers are stressed, overburdened, and face increasing anxiety.
Daycares are closed, inhibiting mandated reporters from keeping in daily contact with our at-risk children.
Classes are being held remotely adding extra burdens and tech challenges to an already long list of issues caregivers and children must navigate.
Social isolation creates a dangerous climate, ripe for the victimizing of children.
Foster youth, already traumatized by abuse, neglect, and separation, are further traumatized by today’s events, which can result in acting out due to increased feelings of lack of control and fear.
How can you support us during these challenging times?
For many foster children, their CASA is the only consistent contact outside their home during this pandemic. CASAs provide caring support and advocate for foster children who have already experienced abuse or neglect. Our goal is to eliminate the waiting list and provide foster children with a CASA of their own right away. Join our team of caring advocates NOW!
Your financial support is even more vital to us than ever. Your generous donations allow us to continue to recruit, train and support our amazing CASA volunteers to advocate for our foster children now, and the increase of youth we anticipate as a result of the pandemic. Support us NOW!